My Story

 founded Easy Travel Keeper because of my extensive healthcare career as a travel nurse assisting patients with their healthcare concerns.  Realizing the need for good organization while traveling throughout New England was important then as is today.  I always had an aspiration to open my own store and to create a travel niche that focuses on products to assist people with keeping their items handy and organized.  My mission is to reach out and provide useful products worldwide and to provide excellent customer service.  From our  Luggage Series to Essentials, my wish for you is that you find great value and convenience and that you take us along on your journey!  Thank you for being a valued customer and helping to make this dream store a reality!  Please click the Subscribe to Emails and Follow Us on Facebook to be notified on product updates.  Don't forget to check out the Blog which will feature some travel content and featured destinations.

Where is your dream destination?

- Amanda, founder of Easy Travel Keeper